Ionic Foot Baths

Detoxify the body two feet at a time

We use foot baths to detoxify the body two feet at a time. This is how it works. We put your feet into a small tub of warm water and add some sea salt with what is called an array. That array is hooked up to a computer that delivers a small amount of D/C current going into the water. That produces positive and negative ions that penetrate the soles of the feet and attract oppositely charged particles. So, for example, it can help pull out some foreign metals in the body as well as other toxins. We do all of this in 30 minutes. The recommendations on how often to do footbaths are solely based on the person getting them. Just a quick note it is very important to us as you are putting your feet into water with a computer that is plugged into the wall, that we use the safest machine on the market and that is the Ion Cleanse Premier.

After a detox, people experience more energy, some say they feel lighter and for some, they are able to breathe better.