Muscle Testing

A non-invasive way of evaluating body imbalances

Based on the concept of internal energy fundamental to Chinese medicine, muscle testing is a non-invasive way of evaluating the body imbalances in assessing its needs. It involves testing the body’s responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, among other things. It can also be used to test the body’s response to herbs and other remedies.

With a typical example of muscle testing, I will give you an herb to hold. You will extend the other arm and are asked to keep it straight. Then I will press down your arm with light pressure to see if you can resist my downward pressure. If your arm stays strong and rigid, (I can’t push it down) we will know that this herb will benefit you. If your arm goes weak, and I’m able to push it down easily then we’ll know this is not the best herb for you. The same procedure can be used to determine how often you should take each herb. It also can be used to test the body’s responses to foods.

Some practitioners test with your arm straight out to the side, which relates only to the lung meridian. (The meridians are energy channels recognized by Chinese medicine.) Others use the central meridian for testing with your arm toward the front and at an angle below horizontal. Testing also can be done while you’re sitting or lying down.

Although muscle testing is simple, responses may be inconclusive if your energy is blocked. Testing your polarity before doing anything else reveals whether energy in the central meridian is flowing in the right direction. If not, it must be corrected before proceeding. The same polarity check is used with each product tested to be sure the product doesn’t interfere with your polarity. The selected products are also tested as a group because a product may test well individually but combining it with others may produce a synergistic effect and reduces or eliminates the need for it.

This also is a service that we offer at no extra charge since this is part of your consultation.